HCB Stroke Centre brings together all the specialists involved in early diagnosis and treatment of STROKES: ambulance service, Emergency, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, ICU, blood bank, Neuroradiology, Rehabilitation, Speech Therapy, all using the most advanced technology.
Due to the creation of Tele ICTUS, HCB places at the disposal of the STROKE patient its team of Neurologists and Neuroradiologists 24 hours a day, every day of the year and the latest possible technology and treatments.
If a STROKE is detected quickly, HCB has available all the effective treatments to reduce its consequences: fibrinolytic therapy (which breaks up the clot obstructing the artery), or interventional treatments such as inter-arterial clot extraction (applied directly to the obstructed part), mechanical clot extraction, embolization or cerebral aneurysm clipping, vascular neurosurgery, etc.
A Stroke is a cerebrovascular illness affecting the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. When one of these vessels breaks (aneurysm) or becomes blocked by a clog or another particle (the clots causing the problem are known as cerebral thrombi or cerebral embolism) part of the brain does not receive the blood flow it needs and the nerve cells affected do not receive oxygen and therefore cannot function and die after a few minutes.
In general, strokes occur very suddenly and, depending on the area of the brain affected, can produce various symptoms, but the most common are: sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body), confusion, difficulty in speaking, understanding, even walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination in addition to sudden sight problems in one or both eyes.
FAST Protocol
The FAST Protocol or STROKE Code, using simple illustrations to recognize the symptoms of a cerebrovascular accident and guidelines as to how to act.
STROKE is the primary cause of mortality in women in Spain and the second in men, and the first thing we notice when we talk about STROKES is the lack of knowledge in the population and, more seriously, within the population at risk. Learning to detect the first symptoms could drastically reduce the consequences of the accident.
For this reason, at HCB we wish to communicate to an increasing number of people and associations the basic information to be able to detect and react in time to a STROKE.
Request all the information you need to get to know our service or if you need help to reserve a place, complete this form and we will contact you.
If you wish to start the RESERVATION now, read the instructions and the regulations.
Avda. Alfonso Puchades, 8
03501 Benidorm, Alicante (España), 0034 96 585 38 50
For “Freedom” patients, please write to dialisis@clinicabenidorm.com